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According to official statistics: This MUSE Design Award has received nearly 4.5w entries from more than 102 countries/regions around the world. It can be described as one of the most influential international awards, attracting designers from all over the world to actively contribute to muses Design Award, only to leave a glorious mark in the history of design.
关于 MUSE 设计奖
美国缪斯设计奖创办于美国纽约,是一项针对来自各设计领域创意专业人士及公司的国际设计竞赛,该奖项由美国国际设计奖项协会(IAA)主办,是全球创意设计领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一,International Awards Associates(IAA)长期以来联合超过50国,共计130位以上的国际评审,展开5种系列赛事。其中最为火热的赛事「Muse Design Awards」,面向建筑、室内、产品、时尚等广泛领域征集设计作品,发掘和支持各行业处在上升期的设计师。
The American Muse Design Award was founded in New York, USA. It is an international design competition for creative professionals and companies from various design fields. The award is hosted by the American International Design Awards Association (IAA) and is the most influential in the global creative design field. One of the international awards, International Awards Associates (IAA) has long been uniting more than 130 international judges from more than 50 countries to launch 5 series of events. Among them, the most popular competition, "Muse Design Awards", collects design works in a wide range of fields such as architecture, interiors, products, and fashion, and discovers and supports designers in various industries that are on the rise.
MUSE设计奖 官网